Keeping your sales pipeline squeaky clean and properly managed is pivotal for the success of your business. You don’t want your water pipelines clogged, and the same goes for your sales pipelines. In other words, keeping stale opportunities that are in the pipeline for too long only slows down your business flow. There are several…
5 Crucial Methods for Growing Sales in 2017
The end of the year is the best time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished so far. It’s also useful to analyze the things you aren’t satisfied with, identify your mistakes and learn from them. But, it’s instrumental that you make a plan for the next year and see how you can improve your business…
How to Outsell Your Competition with Big Data Analytics
Big Data is one of the most revolutionary opportunities for marketing and sales ever since the internet infiltrated all parts of our reality and dramatically changed it. According to Berkeley’s researchers, 1.5 billion gigabytes of information was produced only in 1999, and that amount doubled in size over the course of three years. SINTEF, a…
Email Marketing Segmentation Strategies
No matter what some say, email marketing isn’t dead! It’s very much alive and kicking. This strategy is still considered to be the cornerstone of many successful marketing campaigns. It’s effective but only if properly executed. One of the most crucial steps in establishing a successful email marketing campaign is segmentation. Unfortunately, many marketers seem…
The Importance of Having Relevant Information
Knowledge is power, information is money. As corny as it may seem at the first sight, this saying cuts to the chase. Now, the importance of relevant information multiplies exponentially when it comes to business. Finding accurate and up-to-date information about your potential clients is something that is crucial for the success of your product…
9 Ways Marketing Can Boost Sales
“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” Joe Chernov You’ve worked hard and created a great product. You’re absolutely sure your product is something that the market needs. Now what? It won’t sell and make profit unless you spread the word. There’s that common myth that needs busting…
How do you revive a dying campaign?
It can happen to anyone, we plan, we sketch and design a product and prepare for launch. We become so attached to our ideas that we lose objectivity and sometimes can’t see the obvious pitfalls in our campaign. As someone who is into sales and marketing, we pray that this never happens and that we…