If you’re just tuning in – make sure to read our last post: SuperBowl 50: Sales Vs. Marketing  first – as it explains the differences and the necessity of each aspect of your business journey. In this post, we are going to discuss strategies for tackling each level of prospect/lead (cold, warm, hot). We’ll also discuss how to get over…
SuperBowl 50: Sales vs. Marketing
5 Ways to Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns
People might argue that email marketing is already becoming extinct. I disagree, email marketing works – and as they say, the proof is in the pudding! Society is coming back full circle in a few ways – women are reintegrating 80’s leggings, men are adopting caveman-esque grooming habits (see: lumbersexual), and email marketing is back…
How to Use Blogging and Email Marketing as the Dynamic Duo in Your Marketing Strategy
Synergy. That’s a word that people don’t often consider when it comes to their marketing efforts. Sure, the team is cohesive and the people are important when paired with one another, but what about your company’s marketing tools? Specifically, blogging and email-marketing – which are incredibly important aspects of a marketing strategy – are doubly…
Google – The Future of Advertising for Your Business
Google has joined the ranks of existing social media titans to offer a new way to personalize your advertisements to potential clients using your own lists. Customer Match allows advertisers to upload their client lists in AdWords. The launch of this revolutionary access extends beyond basic web searching to include YouTube Trueview advertisements and the…
Why Direct Mailing Is Not Dead!
Let’s quickly take a look at how sales techniques have changed over the last 40 years. Our grandparents were the door-door salespeople, our parents were the telemarketers, our generation used direct mail systems, and the new generation uses the internet. Technology continues to evolve and the marketing industry has turned to social media and email….
Content Marketing: Fact versus Fiction
Marketing’s Future: The Importance of Integrating Content Marketing into your Business Hello, Exchange Leads readers. As you may have noticed the subject for this blog, content marketing, was on our list of trends to watch out for in 2013 and 2014, respectively. In this blog, we will discuss, why incorporating content marketing into your marketing…